Workshops & Experiential Holidays

Passionate about cooking and painting, I invite you to share some fun, creative moments at workshops where we’ll cook the best local products, taste the terroir, and, if you wish, lend our hands to capturing through paint the beauty that is offered us.

Learn, have fun, share and be enriched. You’ll engage your creativity through your visual and gustatory sensibilities. 

Painting workshops and culinary workshops are designed for groups, companies or individuals, to take place at your home or a location of our choice.

“ Learn, have fun, share, enrich ourselves from our encounter. ”

(Listen above to my interview with BBC Wales about cooking oysters while working with the World Oyster Society at their Symposium in 2018). 

Ask me to whip up something just for you, or choose from these below :

Cooked Oysters : Ingenious ways to enjoy our Super-Food Super Heros!

• Seaweed : A myriad of ways to benefit from more iodised goodness in your diet

Boost Your Immunity Probiotics for Health, Kimchi, Pickles, Vinegar, Yoghurt, Sourdough …

Super-Foods & their Super Powers : Mushrooms, Oysters, Fermented Vegetables …

Taste this Place, the Monts d’Arrées : Take a taste tour and picnic your way deliciously through the land of legends

Eat Beauty : Study, sketch,  paint then eat your subject (using inks, watercolours or gouache)

• A Mediterranean FeastMake your special occassion buffet together (for groups up to 18)

Week-long experiential food & wine holidays

Stay at a family manor house on an acclaimed wine estate, Domaine le Grand Cros, in the heart and garden of Provence.

“ A holistic approach to nourishment and living deliciously. ”

True Provence –  Great Food & Wine :

A feast for your senses of organic wine, real food and botanical painting.

Reconnect to nature and embrace a holistic approach to nourishment and living deliciously. Hands-on cooking and Mediterranean culinary classes, excursions, olive oil and wine tastings and walks in beauty.

 Mediterranean foodways:

Historic & nutritional exploration of mediterranean cuisine, past and present, with in-depth examination of the ingredients, local Provençal products, visits to producers, hands-on cooking and wonderful recipes.

Create your own week workshop:

Let’s discuss together how we can tailor a week to suit your own desires and purposes.